Asus DR-950 E-Reader in the Flesh

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Asus DR-950 E-Reader in the Flesh
Electricpig proves that Asus is indeed joining in the e-book battle by posting photos of the yet-to-be-released Asus DR-950 on its site.

The Asus DR-950 appears to have a 9-inch touchscreen display with 1024 x 768 resolution framed with a thin black bezel and a few physical buttons. It is actually almost similar to the Amazon Kindle DX if not for the absence of a physical keyboard. The e-reader measures just 9 millimeters in thickness and weighs 370 grams. It also features 2 or 4GB internal memory with SD slot, WiFi, HSDPA, and WiMax connectivity options, as well as a USB port for sideloading, and a 3.5-mm audio port.

On the software side, the Asus DR-950 offers RSS feeds, translation and text to speech, and can support a variety of file formats like PDF, TXT, Audible, MP3, ePub, HTML, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP.

However, with the e-book market getting fiercer as more new models with even more advanced features come in the picture, how could Asus be able to triumph? We shall soon see!


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